Friday, April 13, 2007

Well, here goes nothin'....

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I have just begun my last term of school...EVER. While this is a very exciting thought, and I feel more than ready for the adventure of being thrown out into the real world to fend for myself, I am also conflicted.
For as long as my concious mind can remember, I have been a student. School has been what has defined a major part of who I am. SO in this transition time between being a student, and starting my career, what the hell am I?

Never have I felt more pressure, and confronted more expectations than I have at this time in my life. I can't count the number of times I have been asked "So, what do you plan to do with your degree when you graduate?"

I definitly don't have all of the answers right now, and I'm OK with that. While everyone else seems to expect me to know exactly who I am and what my future holds,I am actually excited that I don't. I just feel lucky that I am young, healthy, and passionate about what I'm studying. Graduation is like starting over with a clean slate for me.

I could go anywhere from here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have your entire life ahead of you to figure out who / what you want to be! Don't be in a rush...try things, travel, live. Becoming who you are going to be is the best part of being who you are! Don't try to "define" yourself...just keep working to "discover" yourself!
You can do, be, accomplish ANYTHING! You can become ANYONE you want to be!
You are the future and I am so full of pride when I think about you, who I know you to be, who you are working to become, that I could simply BURST!