Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Search...

Los Angeles, here I come!
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I have oficially finished my final class for my business minor, and I am off to the big city in search of my dream job in Public Relations.
While I feel more than prepared with the wealth of knowledge I received in my studies of PR, what I am most nervous about is the interviewing process.
How can a person make an excellent first impression?
What can a person do to prepare for an interview?

During my college experience, many of my PR classes discussed interview skills, but now that it is down to the wire, I decided to do a little research of my own.

Below are links to some excellent Sites and articles I found about how to become a job interview expert!

- Winning Interview Skills: I think the most valuable lesson to be learned from this article is that it is imperative to learn as much as possible about the company you are interviewing with before you walk into that office. Research, research, research.

-Interviewing Information from CollegeGrad.com: This site is great for all recent graduates venturing out into the corporate world because it covers all aspects of the interview process from research to follow-up.

-Interview Skills from Boston College: This Site emphasizes that how you come across in an interview can be even more important than the skills you posess.Information is provided on everything from dressing for interviews to dealing with anxiety.

Congratulations to all of my fellow graduates...and good luck out there!